TSL 641 - CALL ( Computer Assisted Language Learning)

CALL is a course which is designed to help teachers of English as a second language (ESL) to update their knowledge on latest development in the use of technological aids. This course defines the terms CAI and CALL together with the examples. Besides that, it provides the students with the advantages of using CALL in language teaching and learning as well as, the good characteristics of a good CALL programs to be used by the teachers in the language classrooms. Finally, it also shares the relationship between the roles of the computer with the various language skills.

Friday 29 April 2011



The truth is I had never used the blog before until last year. Even though, many of my friends have started to use this virtual diaries as a place for them to tell others about their feelings and ideas on an issue. For me, it is easier  and  more comfortable to write on papers or books. But now, after I have experienced it, I have to admit that, it is easier and for sure, more effective. At first, it was hard for me to start because I am not familiar yet with the program. How to use a blog? And now,  I’m writing the journals for the class assignments, and also for my daily incidents (diary) But not too details and personals of course. You don’t have to tell others how many times you shower every day, right? I can write whatever I want to write and I am happily receiving any feedback and comment from other bloggers. It is fun and it is also one of the ways to learn and also gain new knowledge. I also use this blog to post all my thoughts and feeling about the current issues that had happened nowadays. I feel blog is really useful for me. Why? Because blog makes me writing.

Yes, I will recommend this method to be used in my language classroom in the future. Especially for writing classes and also for the subjects that require a lot of writing activities. I feel this blog is effective and useful. It encourages us to familiarize ourselves with the current technology devices. This is one of the ways to write our thought freely. We are liberated to do whatever we want to do. We are free to say out all the things that are lingering inside our minds. So, my suggestion to others; blog is a correct means to pour and enlighten others with bright and useful opinions and ideas.

Can you spot the grammar mistakes? This is one of the functions to have blogging activities in language classroom!! :) 



Form               : 4 Kenanga                                                   Week   : 24
Level               : Intermediate                                                 Date    : 5 July 2010 (Monday)
Subject            : English                                                         Time    : 1150 am – 110 pm

Topic               : Gulp and Gasp ( The Literature Component) = The Summary+The Title

General Objective:
To enable the students to understand the drama entitled ‘Gulp and Gasp’ in terms of the story line as well as the correct sequence of events.

Learning Outcomes :
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:-

(1)   To act out the five acts in the drama through reader’s theatre activity.
(2)   To rearrange the sequence of events accordingly.

Moral Value    : Cooperation

Skills               : Speaking and Listening Skills.

Emphasis        :

(1)   Creative and Critical Thinking Skills (CCTS)
(2)   Interpersonal Skills
(3)   Intrapersonal Skills

Instructional Aids:

(1)   Mahjong Paper: The Rules of Reader’s Theatre
(2)   Props for the significant roles in the drama. (For the staging purposes)
Previous Knowledge:
The students have learnt the short story entitled ‘ QWERTYUIOP’


A collection of Poems, Short Stories and Drama, Form 4 and Form 5.

Teaching Procedures:

Set Induction
(10 minutes)
-          Teacher greets the students
-          Teacher gives the students to settle down their matters and checks the condition of the class before begins the lesson.
-          Teacher explains to the students the activities of the day :
(a)    The Rules and Regulation for Reader’s Theatre.
(b)   The Plot of the drama.

- Students greet the teacher and listen to the teacher attentively.

-Students give responses to teacher’s questions.
Body of Development
(60 minutes)
Activity 1
(The Staging) – 40 mins
-          Teacher pastes the rules and regulations of the reader’s theatre activity on the board for students’ references.
-          Teacher explains to the students about what they have to know before they start their performance.
-          The students do their performance.

Activity 2
(The Plot) – 20 mins
-          - After the students have finished the performance, the teacher asks the students to rearrange the plots according to the correct order.
-          Teacher assists the students when it is needed.

-          The students listen to teacher’s instruction and take notes several important points pertaining to reader’s theatre in the workbook.
-          The students start the performance from Act 1 until Act 5.

-          Individually, the students rearrange the events according to the correct order in their workbook.
-          The students ask teacher’s assistance when it is needed.
(10 minutes)

-          Teacher recalls the lesson of the day.
-          Teacher reminds the students about the next lesson.
-          Teacher ends the lesson.

-Students listen to teacher’s instructions carefully.

Follow Up Activity:
The students are required to do the summary for the drama entitled ‘ Gulp and Gasp’ on the workbook.



The Smart School Projects is one of the Flagship Applications of the Multimedia Super Corridor. This school is created based on several objectives based on Malaysia’s National Philosophy of Education. The objectives are as follows:

(1)  To produce a thinking and technology-literate workforce. It means, our government would like to have young generations who have ability to think creatively and critically.
(2)  To democratize education.
(3)  To increase participation of stakeholders.
(4)  To provide all-round development of the individual.
(5)  To provide opportunities to enhance individual strengths and abilities.

The efforts made by our government should be appreciated but at the same time, there are several barriers found in implementing technology use in Smart School.

(1)  Computer Problems.
The number of computers is limited and some of the computers are old-fashioned. The teachers always complain about this matter and sometimes, this situation hampers the teaching and learning process? Can we afford to lose hours in order to overcome this problem? Let’s think about it.
(2)  Internet Problems.
Smart School requires a high speed internet connection and some of the students complained about the condition of the internet connection in Smart School. Sometimes, ‘it was fast’, ‘it was so slow’ and even worst ‘it jammed’. What would happen if there is no electricity? How can the students use the computer? Next question is; what would happen if there are thunderstorms? Of course, the teachers will instruct the students to turn off the computer for their own safety later.
(3)  Time constraints and time consumption
The students only have 1 hour and 10 minutes to use a computer in school. The teachers must be there at least 10 minutes earlier in order to make sure everything in prepared to be used in the classroom. The students always take their own sweet time to move from one class to another class. These scenarios consume a lot of time and of course, it wastes the teacher as well as the students’ time.

Apart from these three, what are the other problems in terms of implementation technology use in Smart School? What are the recommendations in order to overcome these barriers?


CALL is the acronym for Computer Assisted Language Learning and of course, it is related to the use of computers for language teaching and learning.

However, there are a number of issues can be put into considerations when it comes to the matter of learning online.

According to Daniel Westlake, in his article entitled  ‘Issues in eLearning’ dated August 23, 2010, online education is defined as any type of learning that can be done online or with the help of online technology of computers. This covers all levels of education from primary until tertiary education.

There are three important issues presented in his articles namely; personal interaction, student interaction as well as cheating. But, I would like to draw your attention on the first issue; the personal interaction.

Interaction between a teacher and the students is very important as it measures the success of a particular lesson. Learning processes involve two ways communications and the students must respond to the teacher’s teaching and the teachers must be able to communicate their meanings professionally and clearly.  However, eLearning promotes the student individually and of course; it has several good points and bad points. The good point is; it gives autonomy to the students to explore the program or the exercises by themselves. This will amplify the opportunity for the students to wholly engage in the learning processes. It also brings good news to the introverted students in the classroom to participate while completing the tasks provided by the teachers.  This situation can only happen when the students are required to complete the task in the classroom when the teacher is around to assist them.

My question is :  what would happen to the students if they are required to complete the task at home when they have no one to search for  assistance?


As a language teacher, have you ever used websites to teach English language? Or maybe, are you the one who depends and puts your whole trust on books such as text books or reference books when it comes to language teaching?

 Personally, I used and adapted a lot of activities particularly the language games in teaching grammar during my practicum session as a trainee teacher in Subang Jaya.  Some of the games were chosen in order to suit two vital purposes for my language classroom which were : linguistic purposes and communicative purposes. Linguistic games focus on accuracy whereas; communicative games highlight the achievement of a person to communicate the message to the other person. In my opinion, both of these items are significant because, in order for you to express ideas or messages to others, you must be able to use appropriate and accurate forms of a language.

Before I asked the students to try out the chosen game, these are the several steps I had taken into consideration in order to make sure the smoothness of the lesson:

(1)  I did demonstrations on how to play the games or maybe, on how the program works either individually or groups.
(2)  I explained the difficult terms embedded in the games or programs so that; the students will not face any difficulties while doing the exercises provided.
(3)  I checked the students ‘progressions.
(4)  I made myself visible. So, the students might ask for my assistance if they happen to encounter with the problems later.  

I can see the improvement made by my students after I used website ( games ) in my language classroom. According to Thiagarajan (1999), the games add interest to what students might not find very attractive. This can help the teachers to capture their attention and interest specifically in learning grammar. Games are more memorable than the usual drillings. It provides a context for meaningful learning. In order for the students to be answer the questions in the website, they have to understand how to play the games. So, they will still talk about the games even before, during or after the class.  Games provide chances for shyer learners to take part. By doing this, it may lower their anxiety level and indirectly, they will  learn more in language classes.  Finally, by playing games, your students must be able to use the basic skills such as ; reading the instructions, writing the answers as well as communicating with other members in order to complete the task

A question for the readers , what are the drawbacks of using games in the language classroom?