TSL 641 - CALL ( Computer Assisted Language Learning)

CALL is a course which is designed to help teachers of English as a second language (ESL) to update their knowledge on latest development in the use of technological aids. This course defines the terms CAI and CALL together with the examples. Besides that, it provides the students with the advantages of using CALL in language teaching and learning as well as, the good characteristics of a good CALL programs to be used by the teachers in the language classrooms. Finally, it also shares the relationship between the roles of the computer with the various language skills.

Friday 29 April 2011


The Smart School Projects is one of the Flagship Applications of the Multimedia Super Corridor. This school is created based on several objectives based on Malaysia’s National Philosophy of Education. The objectives are as follows:

(1)  To produce a thinking and technology-literate workforce. It means, our government would like to have young generations who have ability to think creatively and critically.
(2)  To democratize education.
(3)  To increase participation of stakeholders.
(4)  To provide all-round development of the individual.
(5)  To provide opportunities to enhance individual strengths and abilities.

The efforts made by our government should be appreciated but at the same time, there are several barriers found in implementing technology use in Smart School.

(1)  Computer Problems.
The number of computers is limited and some of the computers are old-fashioned. The teachers always complain about this matter and sometimes, this situation hampers the teaching and learning process? Can we afford to lose hours in order to overcome this problem? Let’s think about it.
(2)  Internet Problems.
Smart School requires a high speed internet connection and some of the students complained about the condition of the internet connection in Smart School. Sometimes, ‘it was fast’, ‘it was so slow’ and even worst ‘it jammed’. What would happen if there is no electricity? How can the students use the computer? Next question is; what would happen if there are thunderstorms? Of course, the teachers will instruct the students to turn off the computer for their own safety later.
(3)  Time constraints and time consumption
The students only have 1 hour and 10 minutes to use a computer in school. The teachers must be there at least 10 minutes earlier in order to make sure everything in prepared to be used in the classroom. The students always take their own sweet time to move from one class to another class. These scenarios consume a lot of time and of course, it wastes the teacher as well as the students’ time.

Apart from these three, what are the other problems in terms of implementation technology use in Smart School? What are the recommendations in order to overcome these barriers?

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