TSL 641 - CALL ( Computer Assisted Language Learning)

CALL is a course which is designed to help teachers of English as a second language (ESL) to update their knowledge on latest development in the use of technological aids. This course defines the terms CAI and CALL together with the examples. Besides that, it provides the students with the advantages of using CALL in language teaching and learning as well as, the good characteristics of a good CALL programs to be used by the teachers in the language classrooms. Finally, it also shares the relationship between the roles of the computer with the various language skills.

Friday 29 April 2011



Form               : 4 Kenanga                                                   Week   : 24
Level               : Intermediate                                                 Date    : 5 July 2010 (Monday)
Subject            : English                                                         Time    : 1150 am – 110 pm

Topic               : Gulp and Gasp ( The Literature Component) = The Summary+The Title

General Objective:
To enable the students to understand the drama entitled ‘Gulp and Gasp’ in terms of the story line as well as the correct sequence of events.

Learning Outcomes :
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:-

(1)   To act out the five acts in the drama through reader’s theatre activity.
(2)   To rearrange the sequence of events accordingly.

Moral Value    : Cooperation

Skills               : Speaking and Listening Skills.

Emphasis        :

(1)   Creative and Critical Thinking Skills (CCTS)
(2)   Interpersonal Skills
(3)   Intrapersonal Skills

Instructional Aids:

(1)   Mahjong Paper: The Rules of Reader’s Theatre
(2)   Props for the significant roles in the drama. (For the staging purposes)
Previous Knowledge:
The students have learnt the short story entitled ‘ QWERTYUIOP’


A collection of Poems, Short Stories and Drama, Form 4 and Form 5.

Teaching Procedures:

Set Induction
(10 minutes)
-          Teacher greets the students
-          Teacher gives the students to settle down their matters and checks the condition of the class before begins the lesson.
-          Teacher explains to the students the activities of the day :
(a)    The Rules and Regulation for Reader’s Theatre.
(b)   The Plot of the drama.

- Students greet the teacher and listen to the teacher attentively.

-Students give responses to teacher’s questions.
Body of Development
(60 minutes)
Activity 1
(The Staging) – 40 mins
-          Teacher pastes the rules and regulations of the reader’s theatre activity on the board for students’ references.
-          Teacher explains to the students about what they have to know before they start their performance.
-          The students do their performance.

Activity 2
(The Plot) – 20 mins
-          - After the students have finished the performance, the teacher asks the students to rearrange the plots according to the correct order.
-          Teacher assists the students when it is needed.

-          The students listen to teacher’s instruction and take notes several important points pertaining to reader’s theatre in the workbook.
-          The students start the performance from Act 1 until Act 5.

-          Individually, the students rearrange the events according to the correct order in their workbook.
-          The students ask teacher’s assistance when it is needed.
(10 minutes)

-          Teacher recalls the lesson of the day.
-          Teacher reminds the students about the next lesson.
-          Teacher ends the lesson.

-Students listen to teacher’s instructions carefully.

Follow Up Activity:
The students are required to do the summary for the drama entitled ‘ Gulp and Gasp’ on the workbook.


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